B6 Armoured protection refers to the level of protection that your car has against rounds fired by rifles.
The ballistic glass used for the windows in the B6 armoured vehicle has an increased thickness and stops the shots fired by an AK-47 and assault rifles. The doors of the armoured vehicle use protective steel plates to form an armoured capsule around the vehicle.
Whilst these armoured modifications and installations protect the vehicle and the individuals within the vehicle, the modern B6 armoured protection also ensures that the vehicle is not as heavy as it used to be in the older days to make the driving process of an armoured vehicle easier than it was in the past.
B6 Armoured protection in vehicles protects the individuals inside the car from weapons such as AK-47 guns, Handguns, Shotguns and Assault Rifles. This means that the armoured vehicle provides the ultimate protection and enhances safety at extreme rates.
Armoured vehicles are also used for cash in transit purposes as this is an extremely high-risk job to undertake and the chances that a cash in transit vehicle gets ambushed is extremely likely, especially in South Africa because the crime rates are continuously increasing and poverty equally as much.
This can lead to increased crime rates and increased vehicle attacks to obtain money. It is extremely important that cash in transit vehicles are armoured with the best quality protection and B6 armoured protection can assist with the safety of such a vehicle.
B6 armoured protection includes a lot of additional features such as an Armoured Roof, Intercom Systems, Run flat Tyres, Reinforced sunroof, and a lot more. There is also a choice for additional extra safety measures when using the b6 armoured protection level, such as pepperbox installation, dash cam with live streaming, emergency lights and a few more.
At Armoured Mobility we specialise in the design, construction, and modification of armoured vehicles to help our clients ensure the safety of themselves and the loved ones in the armoured vehicles.
Our levels of armoured protections are B4 and B6, and we use the highest quality materials and construction processes to ensure the vehicle is fully protected and that full armoured capabilities are completed.
Contact our team at Armoured Mobility today to find out more about the level B6 armoured protection that we can provide your vehicle with or visit our website to view the cars already equipped with our B6 armoured protection, we are here to provide you with the ultimate protection.